Monday, May 21, 2007

Gibbs Lake - 5/20/07

I got up early and watched the weather reports. It was raining where I was, and they were calling for thunderstorms in the mountains. So, I thought the only chance I would have on a hike would have to be in the foothills, the rainshadow. I called Larry and he said it was sunny at his place. I was off to Gibbs lake, a Jefferson county park. Its not very long, but its a nice walk. I went around the lake this time as I had never been that way before.
No rain the entire hike, but it did start as soon as I made it back to the car.
Not the most exciting hike in the world, not high up enough to see any interesting plantlife, it was pretty much like walking in the woods behind my house. I didnt see any wild life, and I only saw one other person. I did like the solitude...

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