I woke up early on Sunday, after getting a real nights sleep for the first time in a while.. I should have left early, I kept waiting for the rain to come. It was sunny and beautiful out. finally, I made my move for the mountains.
As I drove west, I saw the ominous clouds closing in. I called Larry, rain at his house..
Ok, well, I will just drive up there and see how it goes. Up and up I went, until I was in the clouds. I arrived at the turn off for Little Q river. Its about a mile from Mt Zion. I turned and headed up the rough dirt road. Much worse road than the Mt Zion road.
Immediately, a large Doe runs out in front of me, I nearly hit it. Up and up, on a narrow road with a rock wall on one side and a sheer cliff down on the other side.. Visibility was very low, I drove with caution.
I finally arrived at the trail head. There was one car at the trail head. I got out and looked around a bit and started to get dressed. Suddenly it got real dark and the rain started to drop. I climbed back in the car to wait it out. It was raining so hard I though my car was gonna wash away.
The rain finally stopped. I put on my rain pants. I
don't have a good rain jacket, so I broke out the emergency poncho.. It has short sleeves??? what the heck? Well, I drove all the way here, I have to
at least walk up a little.
trailhead sign said it was 1 mile to the summit. That sounded good to me. The sign
didn't mention that it was straight up! It was much steeper than Mt Zion, with no breaks, just up and up and up.. When I finally reached the summit, still dry amazingly, I saw the rocky peak. I walked out there and thought "one of these days, I am gonna be up here and I will actually get to see the great view". Not today, but, at least it didn't rain on me, much...